08 October 2014

When is the best time of year to sell a house in the UK?

When is the best time of year to sell a house in the UK?

When is the best time of year to sell a house in the UK? In order to sell your home effectively and get the best price you can for it you need to have a little bit of knowledge about the property market.

It’s true that demand for homes is a lot higher during certain times of the year, for example in spring, early summer and autumn, and that the winter is traditionally a bad time to sell, but there’s much more to selling a property than just picking the right time of year.

Firstly, you should consider what type of home you have and who it will attract.

If you have a large family home then it’s likely that viewings will increase during term time as most parents prefer to view a home while the kids are out of the way.

On the other hand if you own a bungalow then you might find that you have more viewings in the summer, as older buyers prefer to move in the warmer months.

It’s also important that your property doesn’t stay on the market for too long.

If you want to get the best price then you should aim for a quick sale, as the longer it stays on the market the more likely it is that the buyer will think you might accept a lower offer.

Finally, you should be aware of what’s going on in the housing market, both nationally and locally, and consult with an experienced estate agent on what time of year is best for you to sell your property.

Moving home can be a confusing and stressful time, so for more helpful tips & advice read our free guide – Selling your house: a guide to the process.

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